‘Oh Stitch!’ Was my initial reaction, when my account suddenly blew up. Personally, I never expected for any of this to happen. Embroidery for me has always been a passion, a therapeutic escape, my safe place. What once, a little Akshu used to practice as a hobby, today we take pride in making it easier and more accessible for thousands of people globally.
Embroidery is an art, one that may come across as intimidating at first. We boast of giving you everything you need to start and more. All our kits are carefully curated in order to provide you with the best experience possible.
During lockdown, what was just a hobby, quickly grew into an impactful brand and we founded Knot Your Type. At Its core, the name is suggestive of ‘Knotting’ your type, translating to, being inclusive of everyone’s taste, you can stitch(knot) whatever you want, or whatever is your type.
And to make the overall experience even more easy, all our kits come with video tutorials that take you through every step of every stitch.
Our kits come in handy if you are looking for a way to treat yourself, making a DIY gift for someone, or if you just want to unwind and relax.